Conflits armés non-internationaux
Note(s) sur l'utilisation
- Are included "armed conflicts in which peoples are fighting against colonial domination and alien occupation and against racist regimes in the exercise of their right of self-determination" (Geneva Conventions, Protocol I) and "which take place in the territory of a High Contracting Party between its armed forces and dissident armed forces or other organized armed groups which, under responsible command, exercise such control over a part of its territory as to enable them to carry out sustained and concerted military operations" (i.e. non-international armed conflicts, see Geneva Conventions Protocol II); are not included "situations of internal disturbances and tensions, such as riots, insolated and sporadic acts of violence and other acts of a similar nature" (Geneva Conventions Protocol II)
Note(s) sur la source
Termes hiérarchiques
Conflits armés non-internationaux
Terme générique Conflits armés
Conflits armés non-internationaux
- Terme spécifique Guérilla
Termes équivalents
Conflits armés non-internationaux
- Employer pour Internal armed conflicts
- Employer pour Conflicts
- Employer pour Conflits armés internes
Termes associés
Conflits armés non-internationaux
- Terme associé Mouvements de résistance armée
- Terme associé Lutte armée
- Terme associé Conflits ethniques
- Terme associé Mouvements de libération nationale
- Terme associé Droit à l'autodétermination
- Terme associé Droit de résister à l'oppression
- Terme associé Révolutions