Civil and political rights
Scope note(s)
- "...the ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his civil and political rights, as well as his economic, social and cultural rights," (ICCPR - preamble)
- «. l'idéal de l'être humain, jouissant des libertés civiles et politiques et libér? de la crainte et de la misère, ne peut être réalis? que si des conditions permettant à chacun de jouir de ses droits civils et politiques, aussi bien que de ses droits économiques, sociaux et culturelles, sont cr?ées,» (PIDCP - préambule).
Source note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Civil and political rights
Civil and political rights
- NT Access to information
- NT Access to justice
- NT Democratic rights
- NT Equality rights
- NT Freedom not to associate
- NT Freedom of association
- NT Freedom of conscience
- NT Freedom of expression
- NT Freedom of movement
- NT Freedom of peaceful assembly
- NT Freedom of political opinion
- NT Freedom of religion
- NT Freedom of residence
- NT Freedom of thought
- NT Right to found a family
- NT Right to leave and return to one's country
- NT Right to liberty
- NT Right to life
- NT Right to organize trade unions
- NT Right to privacy
- NT Right to property
- NT Right to seek asylum
- NT Right to strike
- NT Right to the security of the person
Equivalent terms
Civil and political rights
- UF Civil liberties
- UF Civil rights
- UF Libertés publiques