Cultural rights
Scope note(s)
- "Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits." (UDHR - 27.1). "In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to such minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with the other members of their group, to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practice their own religion, or to use their own language." (ICCPR - 27). Enjoyment of ". . . the right to equal participation in cultural activities; "(CERD - 5(d)(vi)). "Every people has the right and the duty to develop its culture." (Declaration [on] Cultural Co-operation - 1)
- «Toute personne a le droit de prendre part librement à la vie culturelle et de la communité, de jouir des arts et de participer au progrès scientifique et aux bienfaits qui en résultent.» (DUDH - 27.1). «Dans les États o? il existe des minorités ethniques, religieuses ou linguistiques, les personnes apparrtenant à ces minorités ne peuvent être privées du droit d'avoir, en commun avec les autres membres de leur groupe, leur propre vie culturelle, de professer et de pratiquer leur propre religion, ou d'employer leur propre langue.» (PIDCP - 27). Jouissance du «droit de prendre part, dans des conditions d'égalité, aux activités culturelles ;» (CEDR - 5 (d) (vi)). «Tout peuple a le droit et le devoir de développer sa culture.» (Déclaration [sur la] coopération culturelle - 1.2).
Source note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Cultural rights
Associated terms
Cultural rights
- RT Cultural heritage
- RT Cultural identity
- RT Minority languages
- RT Biculturalism
- RT Cultural property
- RT Cultural relativism
- RT Sacred grounds
- RT Ethnic minorities
- RT Freedom of religion
- RT Illiteracy
- RT Indigenous youth
- RT Indigenous men
- RT Indigenous children
- RT Indigenous women
- RT Linguistic minorities
- RT Minorities
- RT Multiculturalism
- RT Aboriginal education
- RT Human rights theories
- RT Aboriginal languages
- RT Indigenous languages
- RT Aboriginal peoples
- RT Civil and political rights
- RT Indian residential schools
- RT Religious minorities