Child support
Scope note(s)
- Obligation of every parent to provide support, in accordance with need, for his or her unmarried child who is a minor or is enrolled in a full time program of education, to the extent that parent is capable of doing so.
- L'obligation du père et de la mère de fournir des aliments à leur enfant non marié qui est mineur ou qui suit un programme d'études à temps plein, dans la mesure de leurs capacités et des besoins.
Source note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Child support
Associated terms
Child support
- RT Child care
- RT Child custody
- RT Children
- RT Spousal support
- RT Single parent family
- RT Divorce
- RT Divorced persons
- RT Parents and children
- RT Income security
- RT Joint custody
- RT Mothers
- RT Paternity
- RT Maintenance enforcement