Aboriginal peoples
Scope note(s)
- Used in the Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and U.S. context. Use the term "Indigenous peoples" in the international context and for other countries. In Canada, the term "aboriginal peoples" refers to the descendants of the first inhabitants/nations of Canada. Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 specifies that aboriginal peoples include the Indian, Inuit and Metis peoples of Canada
- Il s'agit des premiers habitants/nations d'un territoire, pays ou continent. Au Canada, l'article 35, paragraphe 2 de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 déclare que le «peuple autochtone du Canada» s'entend notamment des Indiens, des Inuit et des Métis du Canada.
Source note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Aboriginal peoples
Aboriginal peoples
- NT Aboriginal men
- NT Aboriginal women
- NT Indian bands
- NT Inuit
- NT Métis
- NT Native women
- NT Non-status Indians
- NT Status Indians
Equivalent terms
Aboriginal peoples
- UF Native people
Associated terms
Aboriginal peoples
- RT Hunting rights
- RT Aboriginal rights
- RT Aboriginal title
- RT Water rights
- RT Tribal courts
- RT Treaty rights
- RT Collective rights
- RT Cultural rights
- RT Self-government
- RT Fiduciary obligations
- RT Fishing rights
- RT Two-Spirit
- RT Indian reserves
- RT Land claims
- RT Land rights
- RT Aboriginal courtworkers' program
- RT Aboriginal education
- RT Aboriginal employment
- RT Native offenders
- RT Northern development
- RT Aboriginal languages
- RT Indigenous languages
- RT Right to self-determination
- RT Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
- RT Indian residential schools
- RT Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada