Mostrando 1504 resultados

término Materias Nota sobre el alcance Resultados
Valeur comparative 0
Préjudice injustifié
  • Removing barriers in order to accommodate the right of persons with disabilities to enjoy equality of opportunity in employment should be done in a way which is sensitive to their individual circumstances but also does not create "undue hardship" for the employer (see Ontario Human Rights Commission's Guidelines for Assessing the Accommodation
  • L'application de mesures en vue de s'adapter aux besoins des personnes handicapées de fa?on à respecter leur dignité au travail, ne doit pas donner lieu à un «préjudice injustifié» à l'égard de l'employeur (voir les Directives sur l'évaluation de l'adaptation de la Commission ontarienne des droits de la personne).
Cessez-le-feu 0
Universalité des droits de l'homme 0
Adoption 0
Droits issus de traités (8)
  • Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that "The existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada are hereby recognized and affirmed."
  • L'article 35 de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 déclare que "Les droits existants - ancestraux ou issus de traités - des peuples autochtones du Canada sont reconnus et confirmés."
Protection de la nature

Use for: Sin título, Environment, Environment

Propriété de la terre 0
Changement technologique 0

Use for: Sin título, Nationals, Ressortissants

  • Quality of possessing a certain number of civil and political rights provided for nationals of a given State. Also refered to as "nationality". "Citizenship" describes a status which can be acquired and has almost exclusively a political designation of one's link to a country. "Nationality" has in addition an ethnological-sociological connotation and conveys a sense of belonging to a "nation" - i.e. a group of people with a common history, tradition, ancestry, culture, usually speaking the same language, and living within the bounds of their ancestral territory -and may, where a "nation" becomes synonymous to a State, acquire the meaning of "citizenship". "Nationality", when used as a synonym to "national origin" or "ethnic origin" (and, to a certain extent, "ancestry" or "place of origin"), may remain a characteristic of a person regardless of his/her legal tie with a country.
  • La qualité qui accorde un certain nombre de droits civils et politiques aux ressortissants d'un État particulier. Souvent remplacé par le terme : «nationalité» -- état d'une personne qui est membre d'une nation déterminée. Par la «nation» on entend un groupe de personnes unies
Resultados 1181 a 1190 de 1504