Discrimination without reasonable cause
Scope note(s)
- The British Columbia Human Rights Code of 1973 (replaced by the B.C. Human Rights Act in 1984) provided, with respect to provision of public services or employment, that there should be no discrimination "unless reasonable cause exists" and specified that a number of enumerated grounds "shall not constitute reasonable cause" but did not provide for an inherent limitation to that list (see Tarnopolsky and Pentney, Discrimination and Law in Canada, Chapter 9). Manitoba Human Rights Code contains a similar provision. A corresponding term is "discrimination based on non enumerated grounds" referred to in relation to the wording of section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Une disposition trouvée dans le Code des droits de alla personne de la Colombie-britannique tel qu'abrog? en 1983 (voir Tarnopolsky & Pentney: Discrimination and Law in Canada, chapitre 9) et contenue dans le Code des droits de la personne de Manitoba. La "discrimination fondée sur les motifs non énumérés" dont on parle dans le cadre de l'article 15 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés est une autre fa?on d'envisager ce concept